Planning, Development and Bylaw Services
Building Permits & Inspections - Find information to apply for building permits, pay permit fees and schedule inspections.
Development Applications - Depending on the location of your property and the type of development proposed, you may need to apply for one or more of these development applications. This section includes information on Development Permits, and applications for Rezoning, Subdivisions and Board of Variance.
Community Planning and Zoning - Find out what you can do on your property and the plans for the community's future. This section includes the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and the District's interactive map tool, UkeeMap.
District Capital Projects - Plans and options for the revitalisation of Peninsula Road and the Village Green areas are available in this section.
Housing and B&B's - This section provides information on the zoning bylaws governing the location of short term rentals.
Bylaw Services - This section includes a list of commonly used bylaws, and information on how to register a complaint and pay a ticket.
Cannabis Legislation - This section provides background information and an FAQ on cannabis legislation for Ucluelet residents.
General Enquiries
Telephone: 250 726-7744