
Stage 1 Water Restrictions in Effect July 22, 2024 Until Further Notice.

The District is continually monitoring our aquifer levels, and due to the current levels Stage 1 Water Restrictions will come into effect on Monday July 22, 2024. We can expect further water use restrictions to be implemented in Ucluelet if water levels continue to decline, to protect our supply.

Small daily changes in water use habits can make a significant impact and help to avoid further restrictions. Doing our part to conserve water now will have a lasting impact for the future – every drop counts.

Thank you to the Ucluelet community for your participation in water preservation.

2024 Water Restrictions Graph as of July 19 2024











Stage 1:
• Lawn watering is permitted from 6 AM to 9 AM and from 7 PM to 10 PM on designated days.
• Even-numbered addresses may water on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
• Odd-numbered addresses may water on Thursdays and Sundays.
• Hand watering of trees, shrubs, and gardens is allowed if done with a spring-loaded nozzle.
• Vehicle and boat washing is permitted using a bucket or hand-held hose with a spring-loaded nozzle.

Annual Water Flushing - January 29, 2024 - March 29, 2024 - Now Complete. 

Between January 29, 2024, and March 29, 2024, the District’s water system underwent the annual flushing program in order to remove sediment, improve water quality and maintain our fire hydrants. 

 Flushing Complete

Water System Facts & History

The District of Ucluelet operates two water supply sources, the Lost Shoe Aquifer and Mercantile Creek. These water source provide drinking water for the citizens of Ucluelet, portions of the ACRD, and the Ucluelet First Nation.

The Lost Shoe Creek Aquifer supply currently consists of four wells which produce approximately 9,450 m³/day. Drier summer weather patterns potentially limit this supply, as the aquifer is drawn down to the level of the deepest well.

Active water licenses also allow the District to draw up to 3,239 m³/day from Mercantile Creek; of this approximately 500 m³/day is allocated to the Ucluelet First Nations.

More details about are available in the Water System Facts Sheet.

Inspecting Our Drinking Water

The protection of the District’s drinking water is crucial to preventing the spread of water-borne disease and protecting citizens and visitors from chemical or other contamination.

The Engineering and Public Works Department complete weekly testing for E.coli and quarterly full-spectrum tests - all tests are reviewed by Island Health. 

Island Health officers approve, inspect, and monitor drinking water supplies to ensure they comply with regulatory requirements.

Water Quality & Test Results

Water samples from Lost Shoe Creek Wellfield and Mercantile Creek undergo a full chemical and physical analysis quarterly to assess water quality. The results of the water quality tests can be found below:

These samples are reviewed by the Centre for Disease Control and drinking water reports are available on the Island Health website. If you have any questions or comments, please contact either the District of Ucluelet or the local Health Authority office at 250-370-8699.

Water System News & Notifications 

  • 2021: On August 12, the governments of Canada and British Columbia announced funding of over $7 million for the District of Ucluelet to improve its local treatment system and storage capacity for drinking water.
  • 2021: At the November 9Council meeting, the Engineering and Public Works Department presented a plan to overhaul the District’s water distribution system operations and maintenance routine: Ucluelet’s Clean Drinking Water Action Plan.
  • 2022: On June 14, 2022, District of Ucluelet Council approved the Proposed Water Treatment Upgrade next steps

Ucluelet Water Documents and Studies

  • In 2022, the District had a Water Demand Evaluation report prepared to re-evaluate the projected water demand for the District over a 30-year horizon.
  • In 2020, the District had a Water Treatment Feasability Study conducted for treatment upgrades to both Mercantile Creek surface water source and Lost Shoe Creek Aquifer groundwater source.  
  • In 2017, the District updated its Water Master Plan, which provides critical information for implementing upgrades to the system.   
  • A high-level drawing of the District’s drinking water system is available in the Official Community Plan.

Community Water Conservation Tips

Ways of Conserving Water in Your Home

  • Set a goal to use less water.
  • Fix leaking faucets and toilets.
  • Wash only full loads in the dishwasher and clothes washer.
  • Minimize faucet use when brushing teeth, shaving, and washing dishes.
  • Don't pre-rinse dishes unless you need to. Most new dishwashers do not require pre-rinsing.
  • Save water for watering plants e.g., while you wait for hot water in kitchens and showers.
  • Install a water-efficient toilet or high-efficiency clothes washer.
  • Install an efficient showerhead.
  • Spend less time in the shower. Try to limit showers to under 5 minutes.
  • Flush your toilets less often.

Ways You Can Conserve Water in Your Yard 

  • Aerate lawns in the spring to better absorb water.
  • Avoid watering between 1OAM and 6PM to reduce evaporation.
  • Reduce lawn watering or let your lawn go dormant during the summer.
  • Mulch planting beds to decrease evaporation.
  • Tune-up and improve your irrigation system.
  • Do not wash your car unless absolutely necessary.
  • Never leave a hose running, always use a shut off nozzle.
  • Use a broom rather than a hose or pressure washer to clean sidewalks and driveways.
  • Refrain from filling empty pools and hot tubs.
  • Use a rain barrel to catch water and use this to water your garden.

 Ways You Can Conserve Water at Work

  • Check for and fix leaks in sinks, toilets, and urinals (or install water-efficient models).
  • Increase employee awareness of water conservation with memos and newsletters, or signs in restrooms or areas that use water.
  • Serve water only on request in restaurants.
  • Hospitality businesses can make daily clean linen service optional.

 Water Shortages and What Do They Mean to You?

The District of Ucluelet has a Water Shortage Response Plan to assist personnel to respond quickly and efficiently to a variety of scenarios to ensure water supplies are safeguarded, maintained, or returned to working conditions as quickly as possible. This plan uses a 4-staged approach to focus on water conservation during the summer months or other dry periods. Outlined below are the Water Use Conservation Actions required by residents, businesses, and visitors during the 4 stages that range from initial standard levels of water restrictions through to the highest levels of restriction intended for emergency water shortages.

Learn more about the District of Ucluelet’s Water Shortage Response Plan.

Contact Public Works

Public Works Yard Office: 250-726-7133
Cell: 250-266-0598
Email: info@ucluelet.ca

After-hours Emergencies
(4:30pm - 8am)
Call 250-726-8587
Emergencies could include water or sewer main breaks, dangerous debris or fallen trees on a street
or damaging potholes.