Building Bylaw
The current Building Bylaw Building Bylaw No. 1165, 2014 can be found in Publications, Forms & Bylaws.
Building permits are required for new construction of buildings and structures, and for additions and alterations to existing buildings or structures. Almost all new construction and renovations will require a permit.
Some of the more common types of work that require a permit are listed below.
• constructing a new building
• building new or removing loadbearing or non-loadbearing walls
• relocating or demolishing a building or structure
• tenant improvements for your business
• changing the occupancy or type of use of a commercial space
• completing unfinished space
• constructing, covering or enclosing a porch or sundeck
• relocating bathroom fixtures or increasing bathroom size/fixtures
• installing a wood-burning appliance
• building a masonry chimney or fireplace
• constructing retaining walls higher than 1.4m
• replacing entire perimeter drainage system or installing a new perimeter drainage system
• legitimizing or building a secondary suite
• constructing accessory buildings larger than 10m²
• Installation or full replacement of a perimeter drain or storm drain system
• Building a new deck, repair existing structural members and to rebuild an existing deck and/or stairs.
In the following circumstances a permit is not required:
- the deck is not part of the principle entrance into your dwelling;
- the deck is not more than two feet above grade within four feet of the edge of the deck;
- the deck is not covered with a roof;
- the deck is not attached to the dwelling; and,
- where an existing deck (previously approved under a building permit) requires only minor, non-structural repairs
Typical maintenance projects can be completed without a permit. Some examples are:
• replacing existing roofing material
• upgrading existing windows and doors (same size)
• repairing or replacing existing plumbing fixtures
• painting, flooring or new cabinetry
• constructing a shed smaller than 10 sq. metres – must comply with zoning
• fences – must comply with zoning
Accessory Buildings - Do I need a building Permit?
A Plumbing Permit is needed for, but is not limited to:
• installation of a new fixture, such as a sink or shower
• removal of a fixture or part of a plumbing system
• extension or installation of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer or water service
• installation or alteration of a fire sprinkler system or standpipe system
• installation of any back-flow prevention
A Plumbing Permit may not be required for minor modifications such as:
• replacing existing fixtures in same location
• repairing existing fixtures
If you are unsure whether you need a permit, please contact the buildng official before starting any construction, to find out if you can proceed without applying for and receiving a permit.
Visit our development applications section for more information on various development applications that may need to be completed in order to move forward with your build, such as development variance permits, development permits, rezoning, board of variance and more.
Hazard Covenant Registration Process For properties located in an area suspected to be subject to hazards such as steep slopes, subsidence due to liquifiable soils or flooding due to proximity to the coastal flood plain, the District Building Official will require a geotechnical hazard assessment in accordance with Section 56 of the Community Charter. Visit our Official Community page and view the associated Official Community Plan schedules to find out if your property might be located in a area with steep slopes or in proximity to the coastal flood plain.
Where to Find Property Information such as land survey plans, property boundaries, easements and rights of way.
Building Permit Applications
Complete building permit applications and the required $120 application fee may be submitted in person during our office hours. Please note that only complete submissions will be processed. Follow the Building Permit Checklist to ensure you have a complete submission.
If information is missing, staff will contact you by phone or email.
Once your application has been processed you will receive instructions by email regarding fee payment and receiving your permit documents. Construction shall begin within six months from the date of issuance and the work will not be discontinued or suspended for a period of more than six months.
See below for application materials - please use the Building Permit Checklist to assess which documents are required in your situation, and contact us at with any project-specific questions.
Building Permit Application Form
Water Services Application Form
Sanitary Sewer Services Application Form
Strata Building Authorization Form
**If you are the owner of a property and would like to authorize someone to act on your behalf on for the permit application you are required to fill out the owners authorisation form.
ADU & Secondary Suites
If you are planning to build an Accessory Residential Dwelling Unit (ADU) or Secondary Suite, please see the following information guides and supporting documents:
How-to Guide: Secondary Suites
How-to Guide: Accessory Building Conversion to ADU
Building Assessment Report: ADU Conversion
Demolition Permits
If you are planning of demolishing a structure(s) that measure more than 108 square feet on your property, demolition permits are required. Each structure on a property measuring more than 108 square feet require a separate permit.
The links below contain the necessary information you need to submit in order to help speed up processing your permit.
Demolition Permit Application Form
Fire Services Development Design Guidelines
The District of Ucluelet’s Fire Services Development Design Guidelines set the minimum fire safety standards for all development within the Ucluelet Fire Rescue service area. These guidelines are in place to ensure public safety and uniformity across new development, facilitating safe and effective emergency responses. The current Fire Services Development Design Guidelines can be found in Publications, Forms & Bylaws.
Fire Services Development Design Guidelines
Building Permit Fees
The District of Ucluelet uses residential cost estimating software to estimate the value of new residential construction. The estimates are used to calculate the cost of the building permit. Other types of construction require quotes to be submitted as part of your application. Please see the "Building Permit Guide above for more details on fees that may apply.
The current Fees and Charges Bylaw can be found in Publications, Forms & Bylaws.
Building Inspections
Ucluelet building inspections can only be requested by email to Please provide at least 24 hours notice. Your email must indicate your Building Permit number and the type of inspection you are requesting. Requests by text or phone message will not be scheduled.
The District of Ucluelet strives to accommodate all inspection requests and specific days or times may be requested, but cannot always be accommodated due to the volume and nature of building inspections. Once a date for your inspection has been confirmed by the Building Official, please ensure the premises is readily accessible between the hours of 9am until 4:30pm on that date. If someone cannot be present to admit the Official, arrangements must be made to permit entry (doors unlocked, hidden keys, entry codes, etc.)
Construction must be uncovered and readily visible, required documentation must be onsite or previously emailed, and plumbing tests must be on for at least 15 minutes prior to the inspector’s arrival.
For more information on Building Permits please contact the Building Official:
Nicole Morin
Direct Line: 778-748-8482