1. What will happen to stores currently selling cannabis in ‘dispensaries’ and ‘compassion clubs’ when non-medical cannabis becomes legal in October 2018.
Dispensaries and compassion clubs are not authorised to sell cannabis for medical or recreational purposes. These stores are illegally supplied and provide products that are unlicensed, unregulated and potentially unsafe. The stores are subject to law enforcement action and will remain illegal when non-medical cannabis is legalised. It will remain illegal to buy cannabis from illicit and unlicensed stores.
A list of licensed retailers will be posted on the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch’s website. A licensed retailer will be required to display their licence where it is visible to the public.
2. Will I be able to buy non-medical cannabis online?
The LDB, as the public retailer for BC, will be the only entity permitted to sell non-medical cannabis products online.
3. Will I be able to grow or smoke recreational cannabis in my rented home?
Landlords and strata councils are able to restrict or prohibit non-medical cannabis smoking, vaping, and home cultivation at tenanted and strata properties.
Your strata council or landlord will be able to tell you what is permitted under the strata bylaws or tenancy agreement.
4. I’m a landlord. Can I restrict or prohibit home cultivation and smoking of recreational cannabis on my property?
The Residential Tenancy Branch will be able to advise landlords on how to restrict or prohibit recreational cannabis use on your property by including certain clauses within a tenancy agreement.
5. Can a strata restrict or prohibit smoking or home cultivation of recreational cannabis?
Strata corporations can set rules that can restrict or prohibit smoking and/or growing of non-medical cannabis through strata bylaws in accordance with the Strata Property Act.
Strata corporations and councils should get legal advice when developing rules and penalties concerning non-medical cannabis.
6. Are there any limits on how much non-medical cannabis I can have in my possession?
Yes – the provincial government has legislated that adults aged 19 years and above may possess up to 30 grams of dried legal cannabis, or the equivalent in non-dried form in public.
The Cannabis Act developed equivalents for other cannabis products to identify what their possession limit would be. One (1) gram of dried cannabis is equal to:
• 5 grams of fresh cannabis
• 15 grams of edible product
• 70 grams of liquid product
• 0.25 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
• 1 cannabis plant seed
This would mean, for example, that an adult 19 years of age or older, can legally possess 150 grams of fresh cannabis (source: Department of Justice).
7. Will minors be able to go into a licenced non-medical cannabis retail store?
No – minors are not permitted in cannabis retail stores, even if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
8. Will adults be able to consume non-medical cannabis in the retail store?
No – consumption of cannabis is not permitted within any cannabis retail store. Stores are also prohibited from providing samples.
9. Are there any differences between medical and non-medical cannabis?
No – they are the same thing but the regulations surrounding them are different. For example, medical cannabis will continue to be sold online by federally licenced producers and will not be available at cannabis retail locations.
Medical users will also be able to buy non-medical cannabis from retailers of non-medical cannabis.
10. What is THC?
Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive component of cannabis that is responsible for producing the ‘high’ effect. The higher amount of THC in a cannabis product, the greater the effects on the individual. THC works on the same area of the brain that is responsible for directing brain development. The higher the THC, the higher the risk of harm occurring.
11. What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a component of cannabis that does not produce a psychoactive effect. There is some evidence that CBD may decrease or block some of the effects of THC when the amount of CBD is equal or greater than the amount of THC in a cannabis product.
12. Will I be able to buy edible cannabis products from licenced retail stores?
No – edible cannabis products will not be available. The Government is still looking into the regulation of edibles and is expected to allow their sale from late 2019.