Ucluelet Tourism Plan
Resort Development Strategy 2025 – 2027
The Resort Development Strategy (RDS) will outline Ucluelet’s long-term vision for tourism within the community, and includes plans and projects the municipality will undertake to achieve the objectives of the program.
The purpose of the Resort Development Strategy is to:
- Identify the needs and interests of the tourism sector;
- Reflect best practices from other resort municipalities;
- Respond to challenges & opportunities;
- Align projects with the community's development goals;
- Build consensus among local tourism stakeholders.
RDS Community Open House
On November 13, 2024 the District of Ucluelet hosted a Resort Development Strategy open house at the Ucluelet Community Centre. The presentation from the community open house is available. Please click on the image below to open the presentation:

The District is looking for public feedback to form the Resort Development Strategy.
Please take a moment to complete the RDS Feedback online survey:
Resort Development Strategy 2025 – 2027 Survey
Or submit a feedback form: Feedback forms can be submitted until November 29, 2024 and sent to recreation@ucluelet.ca.
RDS Community Feedback Form
Tourism is one of Ucluelet’s main economic drivers, employing 400-500 people regionally and generating $50-60 million in regional spending each year. Done right, tourism can bring many benefits to communities; doing it right requires proactive planning and ongoing governance for community success.
The District of Ucluelet and Tourism Ucluelet have embarked on a Tourism Plan that will identify a shared community vision for tourism, and strategies to achieve it. The plan will build on the assets that have made tourism and collaboration successful to date, leverage what Ucluelet is good at, proactively align with community expectations, and identify new opportunities and strategies for meeting a changing visitor need and demand.
What is a tourism plan?
More than any other industry, tourism requires collaboration and partnering amongst local, regional and provincial organizations as well as local residents, business groups and operators. A community-based tourism plan is a document informed by the community and developed by a group of stakeholders with a broad cross-section of interests related to tourism. The planning process provides an opportunity for business, local government, cultural organizations, other community-based groups and community members to:
- Identify a tourism vision that supports broad community desires
- Understand tourism resources and potential
- Identify and capitalise on existing and emerging tourism opportunities
- Address tourism obstacles to overcome
- Allocate resources to pursue actions in the short / medium / long term
- Set the future stage for long term success
Process and Timeline
The process for the development of Ucluelet's tourism plan is:
The tourism plan process will be led by WCS Engagement + Planning, who will work closely with a Tourism Plan Working Group, comprised of the following organizations:
- Black Rock Oceanfront Resort
- Clayoquot Biosphere Trust (CBT) - West Coast Nest
- District of Ucluelet
- Heartwood Kitchen
- Pacific Rim Arts Society (PRAS)
- Parks Canada
- Tofino Long Beach Airport
- Toquaht First Nation
- Tourism Ucluelet
- Ucluelet Aquarium
- Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce
- Ucluelet Consumer Coop
- Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ First Nation
- Wild Pacific Trail Society
Engagement Survey Report and Summary
An online survey was conducted between mid-May and mid-June 2021. The survey sought community input on a community tourism vision, current perceptions on tourism, and our strengths and concerns for tourism. An engagement summary infographic and the full engagement report can be viewed by clicking the Images below.
Tourism Plan Open House - Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Instructions for Online Input
We are using an online collaborative whiteboard called Miro. We are seeking input on four questions; each question will be on a separate Miro board. Please follow the links below.
- Miro practice board – use this board to familiarize yourself with Miro and its functions
- Vision for Tourism
- Ucluelet Tourism Goals
- Tourism Concerns
- Ideas for Tourism
Background Information:
Downloadable Documents
Destination BC - 2019 Value of Tourism
Destination BC - 2021 Market Profile
District of Ucluelet - Parks and Recreation Master Plan
District of Ucluelet - 2019-2022 Resort Development Strategy
Tourism Ucluelet - 2021 One Year Tactical Plan
Tourism Ucluelet - Five Year Strategic Business Plan
Tourism Ucluelet - 2019 Strategy Statement and Strategy Pillars
Useful Links
Destination BC - Tourism Industry Dashboard
Province of BC - Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI)
Destination BC - Regional Destination Development Strategy for Vancouver Island
Tourism Resources:
Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
Indigenous Tourism BC
Destination BC
Abby Fortune, Director of Parks and Recreation, District of Ucluelet afortune@ucluelet.ca
Denise Stys-Norman, Executive Director, Tourism Ucluelet denise@discoverucluelet.com
Dan Wilson, Consulting Lead, WCS Engagement + Planning dwilson@whistlercentre.ca
UkeeMap is a Web-based application that lets you view data about Ucluelet in map form.
The District's GIS (Geographical Information Systems) gathers information and data from a variety of sources, and constructs detailed map layers for you to view and print out.
UkeeMap's features
- Property lines
- Google Maps Imagery
- Zoning information
- Street addresses
- Legal lot numbers and plans
- PID Numbers (Parcel IDentification)
- Public Parks
- The Wild Pacific Trail
- Tsunami safe zones
By accessing the UkeeMap information, you agree to these Terms of Use. The District of Ucluelet does not warrant or guarantee that UkeeMap's content is current or accurate and you use UkeeMap at your own risk. You acknowledge that the District of Ucluelet is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information contained in or obtained from UkeeMap and you are solely responsible for confirming the content of UkeeMap with the relevant primary source of information. You agree to use UkeeMap solely for personal and private purposes and will not sell or licence UkeeMap information, or operate a service bureau using UkeeMap, or otherwise use, reproduce, publish or disseminate UkeeMap for commercial purposes, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the District of Ucluelet and the holder of applicable copyrighted information. These Terms of Use may be changed for any reason and at any time without notice to you.
Unofficial Consolidated Zoning Map - last updated August 2024
This zoning map contains all the zoning amendment bylaw changes included in the unofficial consolidation of Zoning Bylaw 1160, up to and including Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1346, 2024. Further consolidated Zoning Bylaw documents can be found on the Publications, Forms & Bylaws page.
Emergency Planning Map: Ucluelet

Parking Map