• 2025 Water Flushing: Feb 1 - April 1,2025

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  • District of Ucluelet 2025 - 2029 Five-Year Financial Plan

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  • Ucluelet Tourism Plan - Provide Feedback on the Resort Development Strategy 2025-2027

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  • Peninsula Road Safety & Revitalization

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  • West Coast Transit

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  • District of Ucluelet Service Requests

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  • Public Hearings

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  • Housing and B&B's

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  • Village Green Revitalization



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  • Ucluelet Flood Mapping Project

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    Aenean ligula elit, rhoncus ac nulla in, ultrices posuere purus.

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Welcome to Ucluelet, British Columbia

The Resort Municipality of Ucluelet is situated on the edge of the Wild Pacific Ocean. It offers visitors and residents the opportunity to live in and explore one of the world's most pristine coastlines. A true west coast working harbour, Ucluelet is a place rich in tradition and natural beauty.

Quick Access Links to Our Most Popular Pages

Planning and Building  Council Meeting Agendas  Parks and Rec Activity Guide  Ukee Map  Contact District Office Staff  emergency-preparedness


Public Works or Parks Service Requests

Do you see a pothole that needs filled? Is there a storm drain on your street that isn’t draining? Citizens of Ucluelet are encouraged to utilize our online Service Request form to request the attention of our Public Works or Parks teams.

Some other examples of requests for service include garbage on the beach, maintenance required on our trails, streetlights out, or washrooms that need attention. Our Online Service Request form is a great way to let our Team know when something may need attention. Not comfortable submitting an online request? No problem! Reach out to the District Office at 250-726-7744.

If you experience an emergency, such as a fire, flood or an accident, be sure to contact the appropriate emergency authority. Comments, suggestions or complaints are best directed in writing, and can be received in person at the District Office, by mail or by email at info@ucluelet.ca.

CityWide Image

Notice of Personal Information Collection: The personal information on this form is being collected for the purpose of processing your service request, in accordance with section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
For more information about how this information will be used, please contact the Manager of Corporate Services at 250-726-7744.

UKEE MAIL - Tune in to your Community!

Sign up and get the latest local news and information such as:

  • Community Notices
  • Community Events
  • Parks and Recreation Program Guides
  • Monthly Newsletters
  • Urgent Information Bulletins

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By submitting your email address, you agree to allow the District of Ucluelet to contact you for the purposes providing Ukee Mail communications as listed above. Your email address is collected by the District pursuant to the 26(c) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The District uses Mailchimp, a third-party email delivery service with servers located in the United States, to facilitate sending you Ukee Mail communications. By submitting your email you agree and consent to your email address being stored and accessed in the United States by Mailchimp for the purposes of facilitating our communication with you. Click here to read Mailchimp's privacy policy.
If you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information by the District please contact Corporate Services at info@ucluelet.ca or 250-726-7744.

Ucluelet Emergency Notification Service

Ucluelet Emergency Network LogoThis service is used to rapidly convey messages to residents and visitors about emergency situations.

Click here to sign up

Community Notices

District of Ucluelet Proudly Announces Opening of Amphitrite House - March 21, 2025 Ucluelet, B.C. —  The District of Ucluelet is delighted to announce that Amphitrite House is now officially open. This...
Waterline Repair Peninsula Rd. March 20, 2025 A traffic pattern adjustment is required along Peninsula Rd., between Hemlock St. and Lyche Rd. on March 20, 2025 between 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.  Traffic control...
Notice is hereby given that a Special Council Meeting will be held on March 18, 2025, starting at 4:00 PM.  This meeting will be held in the George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Center...
Highway 4 at Cameron Lake will be closed Thursday, March 6, 2025 between 9 AM - 3 PM  Please be advised that Mainroad Mid-Island Contracting crews will be cleaning up rockfall debris from behind barrier...

Emergency Management

High Ground Hike

High Ground Hike - Get tsunami prepared!

During Tsunami Preparedness Week, April 14 - 20 2024, participate in Ucluelet's High Ground Hike.

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Launched in 2016, High Ground Hike is a community event that’s held every year during Tsunami Preparedness Week, the second full week of April. The purpose is to raise awareness about B.C.’s tsunami risk and give coastal residents an opportunity to practice reaching their tsunami safe zone.

Join us on Sunday April 14, 2024 at 10:00 AM at Big Beach for Ucluelet's High Ground Hike!

The High Ground Hike group will be walking from Big Beach up to the Ucluelet Secondary School (our town’s reception center). There will be arrow markers along the way showing the path to high ground. At Big Beach there will be an introduction, education, and announcements, including a presentation from BC Earthquake Alliance. Pay close attention as there will be trivia prizes to be won!

Once at the USS, participants will attend an ending presentation, followed by a walk to the UAC Hall to an Emergency Preparedness Fair! Meet with some of Ucluelet's emergency preparedness resources including BC Earthquake Alliance, BC Rangers, British Columbia Emergency Health Services, Ucluelet Fire Rescue, and more. There will be grab-and-go kits as well as swag up for grabs! Be sure to check out the 'shake table', where participants can build craft houses and then watch them experience an earthquake!

This is a great community event to learn more about tsunami preparedness in our region. We encourage the community to come out and join in the fun! 

 drop cover hold on high ground poster

Twitter @PreparedBC


Facebook @PreparedBC




RCMP Services

Online Crime Reporting

For immediate police assistance, please call 9-1-1.

The RCMP’s Online Crime Reporting is a platform for the public to report non-emergency crimes to the RCMP. 

Currently, these are the types of non-emergency crimes that can be reported in Ucluelet:

  • Lost Property
  • Theft of Bicycle Under $5,000
  • Theft Under $5,000
  • Theft Under $5,000 from Vehicle
  • Damage/Mischief Under $5,000 to Property
  • Damage/Mischief Under $5,000 to Vehicle
  • Driving Complaints
  • Lost or Stolen Licence Plates or Decals

You cannot use Online Crime Reporting if:

  • There is a witness or suspect (this restriction does not apply to Driving Complaints)
  • There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity, firearms, license plates or decals

This new, efficient way to report less serious crimes provides citizens with the file numbers they may need in circumstances of lost or stolen property and allows RCMP front-line staff to focus on higher-priority issues to ultimately improve response times, which will improve the safety of our community. Meanwhile, it also allows police to capture information about non-emergency crimes that may otherwise go unreported. 

Report Now

For immediate police assistance, please call 9-1-1.

To report a crime through the online tool, you will need to provide:

  • address
  • phone number
  • valid email address

The process typically takes less than 15 minutes to complete. For those who don't have access to a computer or a valid email address, reporting in person is still available.

Click Here to Report a Crime Online

Online reporting is also available through the Ucluelet RCMP detachment's website.

Emergency Notification

The District of Ucluelet has an emergency notification system to rapidly convey messages to residents and visitors about impending emergency incidents. This system can also be used to provide safety instructions and additional information about an emergency event.

To receive emergency notices via email, text message, and/or voice-to-text message, click on the following link and follow the steps:

Click Here to Sign Up

Tsunami Siren Cedar Road Parking Lot



Two sets of tsunami warning system speakers have been strategically located to maximize emergency notification to priority areas of town. One speaker is located at the Cedar Rd. parking hub and the other one is at the Amphitrite Point parking lot. This system is designed to warn residents and visitors of an impending tsunami or other significant emergency event.

Monthly testing of the phone notification system and tsunami warning system takes place at noon on the third Wednesday of each month. Public input on the testing is always welcome at info@ucluelet.ca.

 For more information on emergency notification, please contact Fire Chief Rick Geddes at rgeddes@ucluelet.ca.


Notice: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Personal information will only be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will not be used for any purpose other than to contact you in the event of an emergency.

If you have any questions about the collection of this information, contact Joseph Rotenberg, Manager of Corporate Services at jrotenberg@ucluelet.ca

Emergency Preparedness

For more information on preparing for emergencies, community assembly points around Ucluelet and what to pack in your Grab-and-Go bag, please visit our Household Preparedness page.

Tsunami Evacuation Plan and Community Assembly Areas

Community Assembly Areas

 Step 1 – DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON during an earthquake

To reduce injury and death during an earthquake, Drop, Cover and Hold On until the shaking stops.

  • DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.
  • COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows) Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs.
  • HOLD ON until the shaking stops.

Learn more about ShakeOut recommended earthquake safety actions.







Step 2 – Immediately Evacuate to the Nearest Community Assembly Area (Higher Ground)

  • If a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurs along the Cascadia fault, the ground will shake for approximately 5 minutes. After the shaking stops, a series of tsunami waves are predicted to reach Ucluelet within 20 minutes. This is why Ucluelet Emergency Network has created the slogan '20 metres in 20 minutes'.
  • The standard safe evacuation level in Ucluelet is 20 m or 66 ft. Run-up or Splash effects can occur around beaches, bays and valleys.
  • If you feel the ground shaking immediately move to higher ground if you are in a low lying area by walking to the nearest Community Assembly Area with your Grab-and-Go Bag.
  • The following locations are Community Assembly Areas and 20 metres (approximately 66 ft.) or more above sea level:
    1. Tugwell Fields - Raven Parking Lot – elevation is approximately 25m/85 ft. Assemble at the Tugwell ball fields along Pacific CrescentUcluelet Secondary School and Associated Fields – elevation is approximately 27m/90 ft. Assemble at the race track
    2. Ucluelet Secondary School Field – elevation is approximately 27m/90 ft. Assemble at the race trackCoast Guard Road High Site Area – elevation is approximately 24m/80 ft. Assemble at the Wild Pacific Trail parking lot along Coast Guard Drive (parking lot in the forest)
    3. Coast Guard Rd - Whale Parking Lot – elevation is approximately 24m/80 ft. Assemble at the Wild Pacific Trail parking lot along Coast Guard Drive (parking lot in the forest)
  • Remain in the Community Assembly Area until District Authorities advise you can leave higher ground and go to the Secondary School for information and assistance or return home. While travelling be aware of hazards such as downed power lines, debris, damaged roadways and unstable buildings.
  • If you are 20 metres above sea level, stay where you are.

Keep In Mind the average speed of a good walk is 3 mph or 5 km/hr, or 1 km in 12 minutes, so walking 500 m uphill might take 15 - 20 minutes if you are carrying things.

Remember - if you feel the ground shaking for approximately 5 minutes, you will have approximately 20 minutes to get to high ground before the first tsunami wave hits the coast. A tsunami may have more than one wave, the first wave may not be the largest and tsunami wave activity may last 24 hours or longer.

Be prepared, view the Prepared BC's Earthquake and Tsunami Guide  and Ucluelet's Earth-Tsunami Brochure.

For more information about Ucluelet's Tsunami Evacuation Plan and Community Assembly Areas please contact Fire Chief Rick Geddes at rgeddes@ucluelet.ca.