

What is Zoning?

Zoning is the means by which the community, through District Council, regulates land use and densities for specific properties within the District.

What are Zoning Bylaws?

Zoning Bylaws are used by the District to regulate the use of land. They state exactly what land uses are permitted in the community and provide information such as where buildings may be located, the types of uses and dwellings permitted, and standards for lot size, parking requirements and building height.

What are Zones?

Zone types determine the specific land-use, density, building specifications, and other related requirements attached to the properties within the 'Zone'. Common Zones found include: R1- Single-Family Residential, CS- Commercial Services, CD- Comprehensive Development, and I- Industrial. The District of Ucluelet is divided into approximately 26 zones. Check out Ucluelet's Zoning Bylaw to review the various zones and permitted uses. 

The unofficial, zoning consolidated document links below show all amending bylaws to the current Zoning Bylaw 1160.  Amendments are highlighted in green.  Please note: this is an unofficial document provided for your convenience only.  The unofficial, consolidated documents should not be relied upon in making financial or other committments, and the original bylaws govern.  For further information, please contact the Planning Department.

Unofficial Zoning Bylaw Consolidation Documents - last updated August 2024