Community Notices

Pursuant to Section 464 and 466 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held to allow Council to receive public input for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1337, 2024, and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1322, 2024 during the June 25, 2024, Regular Council Meeting, which commences at 4:00 PM

This Regular Council Meeting will be held both in-person in the George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, located at 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. and electronically via the Zoom platform.  

For a PDF copy of this notice, click here.

Application Number: RZ22.04
Applicant: Haode Investments Ltd.
Location: 1061 Helen Road
Legal Description: Lot B, District Lot 543 Native Island, Clayoquot District, Plan VIP78185
Application: The develpment proposal is to create six residential dwelling units on the subject property. 

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1337, 2024
The Purpose of this proposed Bylaw, in general terms, is to amend District of Ucluelet Official Community Plan No. 1306, 2022, to change the designation of 1061 Helen Road from Single Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential in Schedule 'A', the Long-Range Land Use Plan map.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1322, 2024
The Purpose of this proposed Bylaw, in general terms, is to amend District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013, to permit Multiple Family Residential as the allowable principal use at 1061 Helen Road in the form of one or multiple buildings, up to six dwelling units and a maximum total of combined gross floor area of 1200m2

Anyone who believes these Bylaw Amendments will affect their interests may make a written submission and/or will be given an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing as follows:

Participate by written submission: All written submissions must include your name and street address. Any submission dropped-off at the District Office or mailed must be received by 4:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing.  Written submissions are considered part of the public record pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
  Drop-off at the District Office: Drop-off at the Public Hearing: Mail: Email:
  200 Main StreetUcluelet B.C. George Fraser Community Room, Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. District of Ucluelet P.O. Box 999, Ucluelet B.C.     V0R 3A0
Participate in-person, by telephone or using zoom online: Participate In-Person: Participate by Zoom or Telephone:
George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. To attend by Zoom, or telephone through the Zoom platform, please visit the District of Ucluelet webpage: Council Meetings are also live streamed on the District’s YouTube channel. For more information on how to attend this meeting visit the District Office or contact the Corporate Services Department at 250-726-7744.
Review related materials: Copies of the proposed Bylaw and related staff reports may be inspected at the District of Ucluelet Office, 200 Main St., Ucluelet B.C., during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., excluding statutory holidays) and online at
Questions? Contact the District of Ucluelet Planning Department at 250-726-7744 or
Privacy disclaimer Public Hearings are webcast live and a recording is available on the District’s YouTube channel. Correspondence you submit, including name and address, will form part of the public record, and will be published on the District’s website or read into the record.  The District considers your name and address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property.  However, your phone number and email address will not be disclosed. Personal information is collected by the District under the authority of s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering the Public Hearing.  Please direct any questions about personal information to District’s Privacy Officer by telephone: (250) 726-7744, email:, or mail: P.O. Box 999, Ucluelet, BC, V0R 3A0.

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