Emergency Management

Ucluelet Emergency Planning Committee

The District of Ucluelet Emergency Planning Committee is comprised of representatives from agencies in the Ucluelet area that may prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate emergency events.

The Committee’s purpose is to facilitate communication, provide coordination amongst partner agencies, and support emergency management training and exercises.

Membership on the Committee includes, but is not limited to representatives from:

The District of Ucluelet, District of Tofino, West Coast Inland Search & Rescue, Alberni Clayoquot Regional District, Toquaht Nation, Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ (Ucluelet First Nation), Tourism Ucluelet, Canadian Rangers, Ucluelet Co-op, School District 70, Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue, RCMP, BC Emergency Health Services, Parks Canada, Ucluelet Emegency Support Services, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

The committee was formed in 2009 with the original purpose of developing and maintaining a community emergency plan. With a living draft emergency plan in place, the group is constantly exercising and improving the plan.

Emergency Support Services (ESS)

The District of Ucluelet ESS team is a group of dedicated volunteers who help preserve the well-being of residents and visitors during an emergency. The ESS program helps people affected by large emergencies but may also assist during smaller emergencies such as house fires. Emergency Support Services can provide aid for up to 72 hours and can sometimes be extended depending on the emergency.

When residents are forced to evacuate their homes, the ESS Team will establish a reception centre or group lodging facility.

Learn more about on Emergency Social Services in British Columbia.

For more information on emergency management please contact Fire Chief Rick Geddes at rgeddes@ucluelet.ca.