The Council News Room

A place for Ideas, Issues and Updates!

“Be part of our community’s conversation!”

The Mayor and Council elected for the 2014-2018 term are Mayor Dianne St. Jacques and Councillors Sally Mole, Randy Oliwa, Marilyn McEwen, and Mayco Noel.


Ucluelet Travel Blog Publishing Guidelines

We welcome and love new contributions from our growing community.

Here's what you need to know:

Word count: No minimums but posts typically run between 250-800 words. 

Tone: Entertaining, social and educative. Please keep a positive and enthusiastic tone.

Original Content: We ask that posts submitted be unique and original to . We do not accept posts that have already been published or submitted elsewhere online (not even on your personal blog) or that you plan to distribute to other websites.

Bio and promotion: Since we do not compensate contributors for posts, we're more than happy
to include a byline and your brief bio containing links to your website, Facebook, Pinterest and
Twitter accounts, which we will promote when your post goes live. Please keep your bio to just
2-3 sentences. Our platform is a great resource to promote what you're doing and some of our
contributors can leveraged their posts to generate traffic to their website and increase their
rankings on the search engine.

Please send your post in the body of the message of an email. If you're using Word, for example, you'd paste the Word document into your email.

Once your posts go live, please share with your friends via email, your website, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media. If your post performs extremely well and you become a regular contributor (one post a week), you can earn a spot as a highly-coveted "Ucluelet Expert" on our the blog's sidebar for additional exposure.

By submitting to Tourism Ucluelet you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the Hubpublishing editorial team.

Send your article by email to: blog @

NB: Please do not submit articles about Mount Ozzard and other unofficial trails. Think about how much your article can help someone, who is looking to come in Ucluelet, make an informed and educated decision.

You can see examples of articles here